Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Day 5 - Fitness

The last year was devoted to health.

I didn't meet my weight loss goals, but did stick to some exercise or the other at least 50% of the time. Resumed Kathak classes, so that takes care of two days a week. Then started yoga, so another two days a week. Walked 3 km to office for 3 months.

On an average, I would say I did something at least once a week.

Even if the scales have fluctuated as always, what has really improved is my stamina. I can feel it coming back to what it used to be. I dont get tired that easily, I can walk for longer periods of time. For New Year, we did a small hike uphill and I was fine. It was doable.

This year, I want to focus more on healthy eating and ensure that my metabolism also picks up.
Plan to add one healthy habit every week and keep adding to this.

In Jan:

  • Lemon water/cinnamon water to start the day
  • 4-6 soaked almonds
  • Exercise daily

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