Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Day 1 - Year that was

2017 was.. i dont know.. not ordinary, but not earth shattering either. It was a year that plodded on, had setbacks, had wins, had travel, had good times and less of the bad times... it was a year that made me constantly question myself - Am I doing all that I want to do? Am I wasting my time? and the ubiquitous 'What next?'

This was a year that I struggled with discipline - both professionally and personally. Professionally, I was demotivated, the long hours were taking a toll and I have reached a point where I realize that having a supportive team and manager are very important to me. Different people have different motivators, but for me these are more important than the financial aspect. I procrastinated on tasks, did the bare minimum that was needed, yo-yo'ed between high efficiency and rock bottom laziness. Got out of a bad project, faced my first sexual harassment at work episode, went onsite for two months, got a lot of accolades and brick bats - it was a mixed year.

Personally, I've tried to eat healthy at least half of the time, exercise was irregular. Stopped all medications. The good part was that I resumed Kathak and enjoying my two classes a week. Have been able to improve my stamina and general fitness, though no weight loss. The goal I had set for myself at the beginning of the year, to reduce 10 kgs, didn't happen. I ended the year at the same wight I started.

Did a mindfulness training, and started meditation- again on and off... Read quite a lot - but not a lot of good books. Was awed by Marie Kondo and desperately want to implement it.

Travelled quite a bit - Goa, Australia, Andamans, Coorg. New experiences - snorkelling, camping, houseboat and a week long road trip.

This year, I gave thanks for my family -the BH, kids, dogs almost every night. It was my anchor when the going got tough at work, when I was emotionally dejected, when my health just wasn't improving. The thought that whatever goes wrong in my life, I still have this one thing that is perfect for me. And friends. Growing old with the BH and the same set of friends.

And I have learnt to let go... to not jump into decisions... to not judge... to breathe and let life take me where it wants.. maybe thats how I will find myself.

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