Tuesday, October 6, 2009


What was that forward about having four friends and a cup of chai to create the best time of your life.
That was our weekend. Except that we were 12 ! 5 friends and their wives and two brothers thrown in.
One cottage in the hills.
Rain falling.. softly. Touching the greens and cooling the heart
Tea estates all around.
The heady fragrance of evergreen trees and eucalyptus and pine.
Bright flowers everywhere.
A pack of cards. Dumb charades.
Lots of love.
Picture perfect!
The trip was heavenly. It cleansed the system... The mind..Reminded me of the reasons why I fell in love with the BH. Helped each one of us to see beyond the errant husband/nagging wife. To once again notice the qualities that we liked and had been buried beyond the mundane chores of life. Friendships that were straining under whatever reasons were revived.

A lot of good memories.

The BH and I and Mowgli walking in the rain. Just us. Talking about I forgot what. All 12 of us crammed on to a single bed. Singing old songs. Laughing so much that tears came and my stomach hurt so much. Remembering the jokes later on the night and wake up laughing! Dumb charades with a twist! Mowgli running around royally pampered by one and all. Good food. Great weather. Great friends.

[A baby tea picker]
[Tired. but very very happy.]

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