Tuesday, April 15, 2008

140 days->20 weeks->5 months

You have completed 5 months this week. That makes it 20 weeks or 140 days.. Is it just that much? It feels like you have been with us forever…
This month was pretty eventful in many ways. Every Sunday saw us going to the hospital for one reason or the other. First the cold, then the cough and finally the dreaded Constipation! For some absurd reason or the other you decided not to poop. After 5 days of no poop and only smelly smelly farts (I am not exaggerating! Ask the doctor if you don’t believe me!) we took you to the doctor. She said we need to use a suppository. There are stool softeners and suppositories for babies!!1 I was shocked out of my wits. I thought constipation was for adults! You screamed and cried so much when we put the suppository I thought my heart would break. It reminded me of my delivery complications. The tears took an entire evening to heal. Now everybody’s first question is “Did Mowgli poop today?” All the gods are being cajoled and flattered so as to bless you with a huge quantity of poop daily J I am sure you are going to kill me for making this public, but this whole month we have all been preoccupied with just this!
You are still an insomniac. Daily naps totaling a miserable 3 hrs ( you don’t take naps.. u take power naps of 15 min, 20 min and emerge completely refreshed . on the other hand if I lie down with you wake up just when I fall asleep L). The books tell me that you should be sleeping throughout the night. Yeah right! How can you sleep for 8 hrs at a stretch when you have to check what mama and papa are up to every two hours? My son, we are too tired to do anything but sleep…
You have the cutest smile on earth and you are quite free with it. Total strangers come up to me and ask me if they can touch you, pull your cheeks, babble at you. Generally make complete fools of themselves in front of you. And you, like a king bestow that toothless drooling smile and they die and go up to heaven right there. Wow! I already dread your teenage years.
Rolling over is at an all time high where you can’t even lie still for a second. Crawling and creeping a lot on the bed or any soft surface. But if we put you on your play mat you absolutely refuse to crawl. Do your knees hurt, sweetie?
There is just one vowel “aah” which you twist to shout t us, roar at us, sing to yourself when you are sleepy and scream at the whole world when you cant get something. You have also been trying to stand! And also sit! The lazy bum that you are, I don’t think you will do much of crawling. Maybe you will just directly start walking.
Though you put up this brave show sometime you are just a scary poo :-) the pressure cooker whistle scares you out of your skin. You stick out your lower lip and wait a few seconds and then proceed to cry, howl etc etc. while an excited mamma runs around trying to capture the moment in camera( you sticking out your lower lip) . I haven’t yet been successful in this, but will be soon. And you still like to sleep like a baby frog :-) on your tummy tucking both your legs under your bum and looking soooooooooooooooooo cute (touchwood!) ummmmaaaaaa
Oh, how could I miss out this. You adore your papa. Whenever he is back from a tour, you somehow don’t sleep till he comes. And then you smile at him, act shy with him, gently explore his face with your stubby fingers all in all contributing to an extremely swollen head papa!
Right now this is all that I can think of sweetie. You are the best thing that has happened to me.
May the coming months ROCK!!!!

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