Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Working from home

its been a while now...
my maid has left :-( apparently she had a wedding blah blah blah and blah blah blah and so on and so forth. The end result is I am juggling office work and an almost 5 month old baby for 8 hrs at a stretch, which is no mean feat! The office people have agreed to let me work from home as I have no other choice. So its me with my laptop and the myriad of wires and mowgli playing on a mat nearby. so far so good. i am still managing to get work done, attend to calls ( mostly.. if i speak fast and they speak fast and mowgli doesn’t speak at all!) and to tell u the truth I am enjoying this :-) its like I am getting the best of both worlds. I know this is possible only when there are no deadlines looming and work is relaxed. But for now this setup is really good. Mowgli and I talk and play and in between I catch up on work. His sleep times are reserved for the serious work and serious calls. We talk and sing and dance and make funny faces at each other all day( read the "WE" as "I". Mowgli usually looks at me with an expression that says" Gimme a break, lady!!!)
The BH comes by evening and by then I am totally tired and ready to hand over Mowgli to anybody. The only thing that’s lacking is cooking considering that there is no time. So the BH has been entrusted with dinner and he’s doing a good job :-)
A realization that’s come my way is that I need to work. I need to feel that I am contributing something to the family financially, that I am making good use of my education and that I have a life other than my family. If we do not get a maid by next month, then we will have to seriously rethink on my job. Even then I have decided that I’ll study something, do a correspondence course or else work part time or freelance work. For the time being we are managing fine :-)

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