Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Miracle Mornings

I read the book Miracle Morning and it resonated deeply. the very act of disciplining yourself to wake up at a specific time, starting your day in a peaceful manner, positive affirmations throughout. Most of it made sense and it felt like training your mind to achieve the smaller things so that one day the larger goals also seem attainable.

The BH and I used to be early birds, waking up early to catch up on work, exercise and starting our day more productively. In the last one year, we've slipped behind big time. Changes in work, general disillusionment with work, life and a feeling of nothing being in control meant that we were mostly in a reactive mode. And that has affected quite a lot of things. Health, motivation levels, everything being done half heartedly and half finished.

Anyway, fresh with resolutions and intent we started yesterday with putting together a schedule for Mowgli. He was quite excited about it. Factored in time for his mridangam practice, play time, reading time, study time etc. Printed it out and pinned it to their cupboard door. And yeah, it works! Mowgli somehow likes the notion of everything being measured- so a study time of 45 min seems doable to him than if we were to ask him to study till he finishes a subject. Though he would still take the same time, he likes that the timetable has an end time and that is helping him focus better. Bambi is also copying him (as always!!) , so we've told her that we'll make another one for her.

Woke up as planned today. Did not follow the routine as per the book, but got a lot of pending things done and out of the way.

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