Monday, March 24, 2008

weekend update

well.. had a loooong weekend .. pretty relaxing. got to complete quite a lot of housework. made a souffle. plenty of people around... my sister and the BH's sister, then one of our friends J was also staying over. lots of good food... loads of love and laughter... plenty of good natured fights between the sisters and the brother and my mowgli being completely squashed with all the attention :-) this guy is getting so used to people around him, he starts crying if there is nobody to talk to!!!

went to church on good friday.. made me realize that i should go more often. i get so lazy at times. should start goin for the sat service at least...

easter sunday P's parents had come home. And as usual Mowgli was the center of attraction . I think people are no more interested in talking to us. We are just the wallpaper or else just Mowgli's parents :-)

Each time i see uncle and aunty i make a silent promise to myself that when i have kids we'll try to be like them... in most households that i have seen, the kids are close to either the father or the mother and there is always this divide where you are not able to discuss things with ur parents for fear of them getting all judgemental and hyper... but his parents are so open with both their children. they discuss everything together, more importantly they talk! most families donot talk with each other.. also there is a lot of mutual respect between the parents which sorts of trickles down to all their relationships...

when we were going through a troubled phase soon after our marriage with both our parents refusing to accept us, P's parents treated us as their own. talking to us ..comforting us ..even willing to come and speak to our parents if needed. they are not the cuddly cuddly kind of parents where the kids are pampered, and there is a lot of show of affection. They are more of the quiet kind where the kids know that whatever happens they can talk to their parents about it and even if the parents donot agree, they will at least get a fair hearing...

We hope to be like this to mowgli. Easier said than done, i know...

Also P's mom was working when the kids were born. Seeing how P and his sister have turned out, it gives me hope that even if I work and cannot spend 24 hours with Mowgli, he will still love me and he'll not feel neglected. ( btw this is one of my major guilts .. that Mowgli will feel that I am neglecting him. but more about that in another post).

Before signing off, in the words of Brian Tracy

"If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings."

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