Wednesday, March 26, 2008

can i have something other than milk?

Tomorrow Mowgli starts his first bite of semi solids...
The first step on the path towards growing up... From tomorrow, he is no longer dependent on me for a feed. For the last five months, I have been his sole source of nourishment. Now he will start one one small bite of porridge and slowly increase the spoonfuls and then graduate to solids and pretty soon my baby will be atoddler eating 4 meals a day... school will follow.. college... and then he'll fly away ...
I cant imagine how the time has flown by. From grumbling about breast feeding 24hrs a day, now i want to stretch that moment.. to push it a little more further.. to delay that first mealfor at least a month more.. to feel my baby near me, one hand on my chest two small feet pressed against my tummy... to smell his baby smell.. to plant kisses innumerable on his bald head.. to just feel him and hug him close... to have him to myself and not share him with anybody else... to enjoy this time alone with him...
From tomorrow, i need not worry about running back home because he might get hungry... from tomorrow onwards i can take 10 minutes more for my bath without fear of somebody crying their lungs out... from tomorrow i'm free from my self imposed house arrest... from tomorrow somebody is on their first step towards surviving in this big world.. .
from tomorrow mama is taking her first step towards learning to let let mowgli live his life in his own way and learn from his own mistakes.. from tomorrow mama should be proud and happy that her son is growing up.. but dont know why, there is this catch in her throat and a small tear falls down for her baby... for from tomorrow mama will taste the first touch of sweetness and sadness mingled into one...
God bless you my little one...

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