Monday, November 30, 2009

My sweet son...

was shy when he saw me again. took time to come to me. did a lion roar at me. tried to hide his joy and sadness in a number of ways. showed me all his new toys. talked to me non stop never once calling me mama. he had grown big. his hair had grown long. i couldn't get enough of him. after some time i scolded him for hitting me and that is when the tears erupted. 4 long weeks of being brave and he just exploded into wracking sobs. his tiny body shaking. upper lip trembling. all three of us hugged each other, the BH, Mowgli and I, and stayed that way for some time.
we are okay now. back to our routine. Mowgli took two days to finally call me mama. he would call call me ammamma, mamamma, kochu and everything else except mama. i don't know in his mind whether that insecurity of being left alone has gone. last evening we had gone out for dinner with friends and jokingly told Mowgli bye. he stared at us not saying anything watching us slowly walk away. and all the while his eyes filled up with tears, but not a sob escaped his lips. i felt so miserable seeing that. is it right for a two year old to control his emotions so much?
not sending Mowgli away for a long time. till he can understand that this is just a vacation and that always he will come back to mama and dada.
P.S. Cocoal on the other hand was overjoyed. Knocked us down. Licked and pawed us and peed everywhere in her excitement!


Nino's Mum said...

awww... and sniff.
Nino gave me the exact same reaction the only time I left him for an extended period - he was 2 and a half, and I'd been away to the US on work for about 22 days...
It was his quiet search that undid my family and me I think. My m-i-l tells me how she'd drive past my office and he'd turn his head and stare at the office and not say a word or ask anything. *shuddering*
Hugs to brave mowgli.

sher khan said...

yes. thats heartbreaking :-( the tears and tantrums can be handled. not the silent tears .... Kids never cease to amaze us with their maturity!!!

sher khan said...

yes. thats heartbreaking :-( the tears and tantrums can be handled. not the silent tears .... Kids never cease to amaze us with their maturity!!!