Friday, July 31, 2009

It’s THE day!

After all the slogging and the tension that the BH had to endure he did achieve 105% of his target last year and therefore we are off to Canada today! ( every year the top 15 worldwide performersand their family get to spend a week in a resort all expenses paid) its something we have been looking forward from April and now we are finally there.
Clothes have been bought and attires decided. They have a formal dinner every night and a lot of activities planned for the group. Got Mowgli a suit (his first one!) to match his dad’s tuxedo (his first one!!!) I searched low and high for a dress that would look nice on my figure (or lack of!) and came away disappointed. So the sari it is for the formal awards night. The rest is all casual.
And as the grand finale, Mr.Mowgli has been coughing and throwing up since last night. Totally bad timing! We have been assured by the doctor that its all fine. Its just the phlegm coming out! To be on the safer side she has prescribed antibiotics.
Took cocoa to the boarding, coz theres nobody here to look after her when we are gone. The feeling was very similar to the first time we took mowgli to his day care! The place looks nice. There are a lot of dogs there.we have given that guy a whole lot of instructions. Have also told cocoa to behave and not to mingle with the rowdy rajapalayam and the snooty boxer and have reminded her that she is a girl and its better she keeps to herself! :-) Poor thing! Will she feel that we have abandoned her and gone away????
And that’s it! We are off!
Tata :-)


MC said...

Vow! thats good.. Enjoy the trip.

sher khan said...

Hahahha :-) just wait for my trip update!! Never Never take a hyper active 20 month old on a long trip!!!!