Monday, July 13, 2009

And we waste time just like that not knowing how much we have!

The fools that we are.

A college mate died today. Brain tumor. It was discovered quite late. He was not a friend, at least not a close one. We were together in an extracurricular group and had interacted quite frequently. Furthermore he had had a huge crush on one of my friends, so knew him that ways also.
He was my age. 29 years old. Is that an age to die? When your entire life is before you. He left behind a pregnant wife. I cannot even imagine how she would be feeling. How will his child grow up? I look at mowgli surrounded by so much love. From us. From our extended family, friends, relatives. He is totally pampered in that ways. What did that poor child do to deserve this fate?

It again reminds me of him.
Of life being unfair.
Of us whom life has decided to bless. How do we treat this gift? Do we treasure it and live life to its fullest? Or do we sit and waste it away? Only to regret it later!
Squabbling about petty things. Worrying about money and bank balances. Bothered about the opinions and verdicts that others have about us and our kids. Dreaming big and then filing away these dreams in a locked box where they’re never allowed to see the light of the day.
When will it get into our dumb heads that life will go on and we have to make the most of it today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some very touching and simple thoughts on life and life thereafter. I too lost a very close friend some 2-3 months back, around same age, leaving behind a pregnant wife. Not knowing how to react, I have always felt disturbed in a very odd way, sometimes feeling like crying.