Wednesday, July 1, 2009

“He is completely fine now.” She smiled at me.

She is Mowgli’s day care aunty. I smiled back. Grinned would be a better word. It was a 75 mm smile of pure relief and finally happiness.
In the initial days I just couldn’t believe that for somebody so outgoing it took 10 weeks to finally adjust to day care!!! He is the first kid over there who has taken this long. That battle is over. He has finally agreed to play with the other kids. Allows the girls to carry him. Has moved in to the toys section from the sand pit. Walks to the BH with his bag in the evening. Runs to me smiling when I come back from office.
Other than these he has also sorted out a couple of other things. He is again back to liking me. Yayyyyyyyyyyy! That phase of clinging to the BH for everything is FINALLY over. He now understands that I will come back at night and that the BH goes away in the mornings. So no tears and tantrums when the BH leaves. We now kiss the BH bye and say cheers to him and happily close the door!
The worst fear I had when Mowgli started day care was that he would lose his mischievousness and maybe become too insecure about people. Both my fears have been proved baseless. He is still the same old naughty imp that he was before. The insecurity was there in the beginning, but it has also passed.
Touchwood and I cross my fingers!
p.s. Mowgli’s mom is still grinning!


Unknown said...

More than the kid adjusting to life at the day care, how difficult was it for you people leaving him there?

My daughter's just 3 months young, but my wife already has the jitters about leaving her and going to work...! How do i convince her, that end of the day our daughter still comes back to us?

sher khan said...

I have absolutely no reply to that. having been there, i will tell u its the hardest thing you would ever have done. i worked part time from home at half the salary till he turned one. do u guys have any such options?

Daisy said...

i just started reading ur blog today and you write so well..yiou seem to think a lot like me. I am in the same position as you right now. My 14 month old started day care a month ago and she still howls everyday when I drop her off. It kills me that I don't know what she does there during the day :(