Monday, November 3, 2008

monday morning blues

Another weekend over. We had planned to go to Nandi Hills to see the sunrise but that didn’t work out. Got the BH’s reports. Everything normal except cholesterol is on borderline high. No medication thankfully, instead the doctor has asked him to reduce weight, cut down on fatty foods, adopt a vegetarian diet and to see him after 6 months. Our countdown begins!
Just look at the state of our generation. Under 30and yet battling with so many chronic conditions-obesity, cholesterol, blood pressure. If we could just make some changes in our lifestyle- eat healthy, spend some time in the outdoors everyday, smoke a little less, and go easy on the alcohol. Don’t we owe it to our children to be healthy for them? If we go at this rate I shudder to think what will it be by the time we reach our 40’s? We are trying to follow a strict plan of playing shuttle every day, reducing the eating out part. Both of us plan to reduce at least 5 kgs by this year end.

On a happier note have started work on the balcony. Replanted some plants, re-arranged the plants on the balcony. Keeping my fingers crossed that the plants all grow hale and hearty soon.
And the main news for the day and days to come- HAVE STARTED THE WEANING PROCESS!!!! Its high time he started taking more interest in other foods rather than breast feeding whole day. Mentally preparing myself for the tantrums and screams. For this week its just the day. If this goes well then slowly have to start weaning him off at night too. That is going to be the hardest part. Why cant kids sleep on their own???

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