Thursday, May 8, 2008

Back after our first vacation with Mowgli!

Quite a hectic 6 days jam packed with activities. His “chorunnu” (ceremony where he is given the first bite of solids) went off well with him proving to be a greedy pig. In just a week he has matured to gobbling up stewed apples, orange juice, little bits of rice and generally everything. Seeing him eat, my mother keeps on saying that we have been starving the poor boy all along with our stupid notions of breast feeding only for the first 6 months. Hopefully he will now start gaining weight and become a rolly poly.
Seeing so many different faces everyday has made him quite clingy. He starts to cry when either of us are not around which has disappointed the grandparents and the great grandparents a little. Hopefully should be better by the next trip.
In these few days I have had an inkling into the kind of boy he might grow up to be. Very naughty, but a charmer at heart. He rolls over the bed, butts everybody with that nearly bald head, licks you in the face till you go YUCKKKK, jumps from your arms to the next person and jumps back equally fast, blows bubbles when drinking water and the best one is the new found trick of trying to feed while standing on all fours!!! God Save Me!
All in all, the house has totally livened up. He can recognize all of us now, has his favourites for different activities, his dad for sleeping and his mom for eating. He completely refuses to sleep if I carry him and doesn’t eat if the BH feeds him. According to his star, he is supposed to be very determined and stubborn, but in a nice way.. Ahem….

Our next challenge is to cut down on night time feeds. The book says that he should be sleeping through the night or else at least 6 hours.. welll the book can say so but our little master will do as he pleases.

We have got a new maid now ( the third one in the past 3 months). She is quite a specimen! More about her and her one liners soon.

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