Friday, April 23, 2010

The BH got back safe and sound yesterday (most importantly with all bags intact!).

Mowgli has been all over him. Dada dada a hundred thousand times. I still hold to my theory that the love came only after the BH opened his suitcase and got out the cars and toys for Mowgli :-) He has been fiercely possesive about the BH hugging him tight, clinging to him and announcing to all and sundry "My Dada!". I hugged the BH and told Mowgli "Not yours, Mine! My Dada" (Yes, I'm childish that way). I was given a sharp rap on the head by a toy hammer and a stern warning "ini cheeyvo?" (Will you ever repeat that again?) . From where did he learn that????

Dads and their little fans! Hmmph! I'm off to read my book in peace!

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