Wednesday, October 8, 2008

of kids and kids

Women gather together to wear silly hats, eat dainty food, and forget how
unresponsive their husbands are. Men gather to talk sports, eat heavy
food, and forget how demanding their wives are. Only where children gather
is there any real chance of fun. ~

Yesterday we had gone out for dinner with friends. They have a 3 year old boy Yuhan who is absolutely hyperactive and very sweet. The whole 3 hours that we were there mowgli was totally fascinated with Y. He kept on crawling after Y, looking at him laughing; trying to throw the ball the way Y does and all in all became a one man fan club for Y. It was so nice to see both the kids play together. Mowgli dedicatedly following Y… Clambering up on the bean bag, trying to throw the basketball into the hoop and then clapping his hands himself, delicately licking the ice-cream from the spoon, Y running away from Mowgli, then repenting and giving him his toys with strict instructions “Donot put it in your mouth.” The look on Mowgli’s face, he was sooooo happy and thrilled. When we were about to leave Mowgli crawled up to Yuhan and held his leg tight. He then managed to get Yuhan to bend and planted two lovely bites on his cheeks. A bite is the highest form of adoration that you can get from Mowgli. His physical “I Love you” is pulling the other person’s ears to him and biting the cheeks or the nose. Poor Yuhan sure didn’t like that part!
What I saw yesterday between those two boys just validates the argument that kids need kids to grow up. And it made me think hard about a second baby, sooner so that there will not be much of an age gap between the two and they’ll grow up together and be more of friends.
P.S. I can imagine the heart attack the BH is going to have when he reads this! and i am not thinking about the nappy changing and the 2 hourly night feedings!!! maybe fast before i change my mind!

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