Monday, July 28, 2008


Jul 1,08
Finally the curtains have come down. Starting today I am officially “unemployed”. My notice period is over. The promises of being allowed to continue as a part-time consultant didn’t work out. Well, it had to happen someday…
It’s just that till today I never realized how much I identified myself with my job or the institutions where I studied.
It sorts of hurts inside when I meet anybody and they ask me “So what do you do?” I used to feel proud when I mentioned that I am working in XXXX as a XXX. Now I sort of give a whole story about how I was working for the past 4+ years and now my company had closed down and so for the time being I am jobless. But in introspect do I really have to reveal so much? Why cant I just say ‘I am a house wife” and leave it at that. Why do I feel I ought to give others an explanation as to why I’m a house wife? Why is it that people look at you in a different way when you mention that you do not work?
In a way I am glad about this break. I am not constantly worrying myself about what he is doing, what is the maid doing. He is too young for playschools/day care and even when he is older I am not comfortable with the idea of leaving him in day care for 8 hours. On the other hand, I miss working. The daily routines, the mad rush, looking forward to Fridays and most importantly getting a fat paycheck at the end of the month! There is a fear that when I finally start looking out again ( should happen in 3-4 months time) will I get a job that suits me? In terms of flexibility in timings, work form home options etc etc. well, no point breaking my head over the future. As the song goes…
Que Sara Sara,
What will be will be.
The futures’ not ours to say
Que Sara Sara

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