Thursday, June 12, 2008

7 months???? Really??? Well if lilypie says so then must be true !

Hmmmmm… if you asked me last year this time whether having a baby would change my life I would have said an emphatic NO. After all why should a teeny weenie creature change somebody’s life? If other parents tell you so, then there has to be something definitely wrong with their parenting skills. See, it’s just a matter of getting the baby accustomed to your schedules. Just involves a little training on your part. You have to be firm with the baby…
Well guys, today a year later I am wiser and I bow down to all you parents... parents with more than one kid, I bow down even lower and for those of you with twins, I am lying flat on the floor and for those with triplets, well don’t even ask!
So how can life change with a teeny weenie baby? To begin with even if the so called teeny weenie thing is just seven months old, 7 kgs and 65 cm tall DO NOT in any circumstances under estimate him!!!! He is a power house of energy, a small brain full of innovative ideas and has perfected the art of yelling at a decibel level which can shatter the eardrums of anybody standing within a 5km radius!
Somebody has also discovered that he need not wait for mama or papa to transport him from A to B, instead he can just use his knees and hand and zip away to exotic locales albeit the dustbin, chappals, floor mats, dusty railings etc etc. and of course since mama does not give him anything interesting to eat, all these should be tasted, sampled, chewed and enjoyed! I have realized that I do not need to go to the gym to lose weight; just running behind Mowgli will help. All the knick-knacks have been moved one level up for fear of Mowgli breaking them. He has already managed to break a couple of his toys, sweep his hand across the kitchen shelf breaking my nice glass jars, nothing escapes his attention. Teething Diarrhea and fever keep on visiting us on and off. After washing umpteen nappies for the past couple of days I am mad at the tooth fairy and just want the damn tooth to pop out!!!
Now that the bad part is over lets get on with the good things. Mowgli is getting to be quite interesting. Chatters nonstop. Sleeps well now and has fallen into a schedule he has made himself. Recognizes people and has become quite fussy with strangers. Loves to go out. Sits and plays with his toys. Opens his mouth wide for a bite of anything that we are having and closes his mouth tight for a bite of anything he is supposed to have! Crawls all over the house and has now set for himself the challenge of climbing the stairs! (By the time the BH shifts his lazy butt and puts a gate for the staircase my son will be ready to climb over it!). he also seems to understand whatever you are saying especially the “NO, don’t touch” parts. Loves to be cuddled and made a big fuss of and manages to be the centre of attraction everywhere. On the aesthetic side, his bald head is finally showing some signs of hair and his dimples are quite clear and cute now.
All in all you have livened up our lives sweetie pie :-)

And here is the perfect quote for the month.
You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for
instance - Franklin P Jones

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