Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Time flies!

After that intense discontented year, the new year seems to be more positive.

The biggest change, I feel, was in the realization that it was within me to look at the positives in every situation rather than be bogged down and moody. There are people out there with worse and it seemed ungrateful on my part to crib about everything. I might not be able to change others, but what I can and should strive to control is the way I behave towards others and in situations.

Small changes that I made to my routine starting this year that have made me feel more positive

The most important one has been to shut down my laptop at the end of the day. make a list of the To-do things in my diary and close it. Throughout last year, my laptop has always been in sleep mode with multiple tabs open, emails to be read, some with replies typed and not sent, dozens of power points. It was a little wearying to start my day like this. Now, when I log in its a clean slate. Its a minor change, but it gives me the feeling that I'm done for the day and starting afresh every morning.

Another change has been to open one website at a time. Rather than open up multiple pages that I wanted to read, this year has been about reading one page at a time and then going on to the next article or page.

Bringing mindfulness to my calls. My work environment is majorly virtual. While this works out great for me in terms of managing the home front and being more accessible to the kids, it needs more concentration and focus. Earlier, I used to multitask during calls - either reading emails, responding, browsing and so on. This year, I've made it a habit to close my browser and chat window, hold a pen in my hand and focus on the call.

A personal habit that I've restarted is to read the Bible again. More than it being religious, it is a spiritual thing. Waking up early, reading the Daily Bread and the Bible along with a cup of tea - somehow they help me to start the day in a more slower pace. Its another matter that by 7.45am, the calm has vanished and I'm back to shouting at the kids.

Minor changes.. but they help me feel more in control and calmer.

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