Friday, May 4, 2012

Too much of thinking

Of Mowgli who is in Kerala now. after all that prepping him about how he will enjoy two weeks at the BH’s parents place and 2 weeks at my place, he is apparently hating it! Its been two days and both of the days he’s called me multiple times saying “mowglinu bangalore varanam. Dada mama kaananam”. He is fine in the mornings, but by evening he is all dull and sad. I don’t know what to make of him. Everthing that we think he’ll enjoy turns out like this. The summer camp with the swimming and other activities, he absolutely hated it after three days. Any new situation is turning out to be very difficult for him. I don’t know whether we are helping him handle these in the right way or are we just thrusting our expectations at him and then getting disappointed when he doesn’t behave the way we want him to!
Of work and where I’m headed. Made a list of all the things that I love doing and want to do and realized that my current job is nowhere in that! it is just the financial part that makes all my other interests possible.. is it true for everybody else? Or are people passionately in love with their job enjoying it day in and day out?
Of the BH who is going through something very similar. Wanting to start something but not finding the time to do it. Occasionally we sit and joke about how nice it would be to go settle in Ladakh and do some mundane job and not have to worry about investments and stuff.
thinking and rethinking.
Parallel tracks.. what I am doing now and what do I want to do? The ever practical Virgo mindset will not let me take those risks easily.. and again are those risks worth taking?

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