Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Give me dudu...

It has been the most horriblest of days starting with a grumpy looking mama and a grumpier dada staring at me. I tried smiling, making those funny noises which they seem to love, tried hugging them, but absolutely no response. Dada did smile at me in the end and tickled my tummy, but mama kept on staring with a deadpan expression on her face. (I guess last night was a little too much for those oldies). Well, if she wants to play serious, so can I. So no more smiles and chitter patter for mama, I’ll play with dada. But what about dudu? Why isn’t she feeding me? I just love those times relaxed on the bed. I pretend to be asleep while she furiously reads her book. When she thinks I’m done and slowly tries to get up I start crying and latch on again. For the past couple of months I’ve been feeling so lazy to eat those dreadful ragi and oats concotions she makes. Even rice is also very boring. For me the easy life. No biting no chewing. Just lie back put up my feet and sip away to glory. Morning noon and night. No solid food. Only yummy yummy dudu.
Hey, but wait a minute. I know that expression of hers. Have seen her take it out many times with dada and chachan especially when they have been upto no good. It is that expression of her which means business. I can almost hear her eyes talking to me “Lady, this is it!”
And she looks at me and delivers the verdict. Bambi, now no more dudu. You’d better start having regular meals now!”
And cruella de ville walked away. I cried and cried , but no use. I knew it. When she puts on that expression, it usually means business.
So ladies and gentlemen, my good ole days have come to an end. I have no other choice but to eat whatever is being fed to me.
It’s a sad day in history today

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