Thursday, December 8, 2011

you want to do this..

In Mowgli parlance, have is want. You want to read this book to me. You want to buy gems for me. You want to put Toy Story. You want...
I wish, I could also talk like this. You want to buy gifts for me. You want to cook dinner tonight. You want to sit at home and look after the two angels(imps!)
mama, udit bite me.
I donno.
What did you do?
I said I am sorry. appo udit bite me.
huh? why did you tell him sorry? what did you do?
after a lot of hemming and hawing and different versions of udit biting, the truth finally comes out.
Mowgli onnum cheythilla. varuthe kick cheythatha!!!
Mowgli and my sister are playing cricket.
He sees her wet sleeve and asks" aye.. you did susu?"
"No! Mowgli. It got wet when I was washing my hand."
Innocently "Do you do susu in bed?"
"Sometimes". she says with a serious look.
" I too. Sometimes." says Mowgli with a conspiratory look. :-)
(Hahahha...its more like daily!!!)
Mama, Mowglinu ellam venda. Mowgli point cheythu kaanikaam. athu maatram mathi. okay?
okay mama? okay para mama. okay? okay?
All this when I have absolutely no intention of buying anything for him!
Mowgli bites me really hard in the middle of the night. It hurts so much even in the morning. On asking him why , I get the answer. Mowgli mamane alla kadiche. Archit pandane ya!!!! ( So he dreamt that I was his best friend/enemy and bit him!)
and too much of listening to kolaveri results in this.
mama, I know all the colours.
pinku.. whiteu... blackuu... blue uuu.. reduuu...

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