Thursday, August 5, 2010


Irritated mama: “Mowgli put away your toys. I’ve told you NO toys on the dining table”
Rebellious son : “ Mama, I play on table okay? You no disturb me. Go do your joli (work). Okay?”
Hello??? Are we having parallel conversations here?

The BH is busy packing his stuff for a week long trip. Mowgli comes to me and starts complaining “ dada notty boy! He no play with me. I no frens with dada. Notty boy”


In the morning while we are seeing off the BH. The little imp hugs the BH hard and says “ Dada, office ponda.. nammaku kettipidichu babo veykaam” ( don’t go to office. Lets hug and sleep). The father melts into a puddle on hearing this and is almost ready to bunk!
“Mowgli wear your monkey cap.” Mowgli on turning the cap all around,” mama monkey ebide?” ( Where’s the monkey?) . Good question. Why is it called a monkey cap? God alone knows!

And yesterday, in front of me my little boy who was scared to sit on his small chair a year back because his feet would not touch the ground, he climbed on to the kitchen counter using the drawer handles as steps!!!! There is no safe place in this house anymore…

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